I would go even farther back to the basics of statistics and say that it’s important to look at distributions because most of the statistics make assumptions about distribution shapes which don’t always hold. And even if they do, most people have not internalized Gaussian and logarithmic graphs well enough to get them without looking at them occasionally. But multipeak distributions can be important and most of the time we’re just kind of trusting when we read a paper that some statistician already worked through everything and that all the data is normally distributed or whatever.

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As always, I love listening to the three of you. Although I have to say I was somewhat offended by John’s comment that we older doctors are the ones who really need the module courses. I have to say I was grandfathered in by one year and I couldn’t be happier, but all kidding aside. There are many doctors out there of my age group that could use some refresher. Great job as always!!!

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